Welcome to…
Chestatee is a place where students are Supported to Learn, Empowered to Lead, and Embraced as a Family!
We are here to support families in the transition to a new school and community. Below are some common resources and information that can be helpful. Feel free to contact any of us if you have questions or concerns. Please keep us up to date if any of your contact information changes so we can contact you if needed.
Office and Support Staff
Jennifer Kogod, Principal
David Peake, Assistant Principal
Michele Rosales, Assistant Principal
Gina Sexton/Marie Ellis, Front Office
Donna Smith, Registrar/Data Entry
Mandy Briscoe, Lead Instructional Coach
Yolanda Krauth, Parent Liaison
Marcia Pirkle, Nurse
Shannon Hammond, Counselor Secretary
Hannah Interholzinger, School Counselor (All 7th grade & 8th grade last names A-K)
Mary Lawson, School Counselor (ALL 6th grade & 8th grade last names L-Z)
Madison Grabher, Social Worker
Student information system and grades
Infinite Campus – Click here to create an account. Parents can us Infinite Campus to keep track of their student’s attendance and grades. Progress reports go home with students about 4.5 weeks into each quarter and report cards go home at the end of each quarter.
Our goal is to keep students healthy and thriving and in the classroom ready to learn. Our nurse will answer any questions you have about medication (only adults bring medication of any type to the school), immunizations, activity restrictions, allergies and emergency medications. Any call or text you receive from your student about not feeling well should be redirected to our nurse.
War Eagle Points
Students lose and gain points due to positive and negative consequences for behavior choices. Every student begins with 100 points at each term and consequences such as lose of break time, silent lunch, parent phone call, parent conference or an office referral are assigned if a student loses points. Students who are behaving well will be celebrated with a party at the end of each term. Parents will receive a letter when their student drops below 90 points.
Connections Classes
Students can choose to take two of our Connections classes each semester:
- Art
- Band
- Business Computer Science
- Chorus
- Culinary Arts
- Health
- Healthcare Science
- Math Remediation
- Physical Education
- Spanish
- Technology
- Weight Lifting
- Writing Extension
War Time
During our afternoon break time, teachers may assign students to War Time to make-up work or finish incomplete work.
Seeking Out Authentic Relationships is the goal of our SOAR Academies. Each semester, students request a class based on their interests that meets on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Students will participate in Day at the Museum which is a showcase of what students did during their SOAR class each semester. Click Here to learn more.
“Thursday After School Kids” is an opportunity for students to stay after school to complete any missing or incomplete work. TASK meets every Thursday for 4-5 pm in the Media Center with tutors and computers available. Students can ask their teachers to sign them up, or teachers will call home to ask a student to stay. Please contact your student’s teacher if you would like them to attend.
Saturday School
Saturday School is an opportunity for students to complete missing work, to makeup attendance, or given as a discipline consequence. Occurs once a month on Saturday from 8 am – 12 pm. Teachers, students and teachers can assign Saturday School, but the school must know a student is attending in advance. Students that do not attend Saturday School if assigned by an administrator will receive three days ISS for their truancy.
Students will take the Georgia Milestones in late April to early May each year. For more information about the Georgia Milestones visit their website.
Students will also be given County Assessments in ELA and math periodically.
Athletic forms are in the front office for each sport. Turn them into the coach listed on the form or Libbie Armstrong, our athletic director, or the coach of the sport you plan to try out for. For more information, visit the Sports Tab on our website.
Extracurricular Community Activities
Archery – Contact Frank Barroqueiro 770-540-9546
Lanier Canoe and Kayak Club – LCKC Website
Hall County 4-H – Visit the county extension website or call 770-835-8291 or jtilford@uga.edu
Biking Club – Loren and Michelle Funk 678-617-6648
Junior War Eagles Football Club- Jr War Eagles Website
YMCA- gamountainsymca.org/locations/jawalters/programs/teens/