Dear Chestatee Academy Families,
As we head into second semester and we continue to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic, the Hall County School District will still offer two distinct learning options.
- In-person learning (brick-and-mortar whenever possible)
- Virtual learning (a full-time online experience)
Your decision about how your child returns to school is a deeply personal decision, with family implications that vary from health considerations in your home to the learning needs of your student. Our goal is to provide options that meet the needs of our community while being true to the district’s mission of “Striving to be the Most Caring Place on Earth.”
From the learning options available, please indicate the option you have selected for your child by completing the respective form below. The survey does not have to be completed if no change is being requested. (Note: Please only complete one form per child.) Form responses will be collected until the end of the day on Friday, November 13. The decisions regarding instructional models will apply to the entire 2nd semester of the 2020-2021 school year.
Estimadas familias de Chestatee Academy,
A medida que avanzamos hacia el segundo semestre y continuamos monitoreando la pandemia de COVID-19, el Distrito Escolar del Condado de Hall seguirá ofreciendo dos opciones de aprendizaje distintas.
- Aprendizaje en persona (de forma física siempre que sea posible)
- Aprendizaje virtual (una experiencia en línea a tiempo completo)
Su decisión sobre cómo su hijo/a regresa a la escuela es una decisión profundamente personal, con implicaciones familiares que varían desde consideraciones de salud en su hogar hasta las necesidades de aprendizaje de su estudiante. Nuestro objetivo es brindar opciones que satisfagan las necesidades de nuestra comunidad sin dejar de ser fieles a la misión del distrito de “Esforzarse por ser el Lugar Más Empático de la Tierra”.
De las opciones de aprendizaje disponibles, indique la opción que ha seleccionado para su hijo/a completando el formulario correspondiente a continuación. No es necesario completar la encuesta si no se solicita ningún cambio. (Nota: Por favor, complete solo un formulario por niño/a). Las respuestas del formulario se recopilarán hasta el final del día viernes 13 de noviembre. Las decisiones con respecto a los modelos de instrucción se aplicarán a todo el segundo semestre del año escolar 2020-2021.
Click Here for more information about Girl’s Basketball
Click Here for more information about Boy’s Basketball
All Hall County Employees, when working with team members or students, will be required to wear a mask and/or face covering.
All students are required to have a face covering. When practical, and per CDC guidelines, students will be required to wear their face covering when not socially distanced from others.
Todos los empleados del Condado de Hall, cuando trabajen con miembros del equipo o estudiantes, deberán usar una máscara y / o cubrirse la cara.
Todos los estudiantes deben cubrirse la cara. Cuando sea práctico, y de acuerdo con las pautas de los CDC, se requerirá que los estudiantes se cubran la cara cuando no estén socialmente distanciados de los demás.
Softball Tryouts will be held May 21st and May 22nd. At the high school field for 6-8th grade. 4:00-5:30 both days. Teams will be selected on Tuesday May 22 after 5:30 before girls leave.
Any questions please email Coach Brewer at
Congratulations to our Chestatee Boys & Girls Track teams for their 4th consecutive victory this season on March 27th against North Hall, South Hall and East Hall. They have remained undefeated and their next competition is April 12th at CHS. Go War Eagles!
We, SOAR Creative Writing, are indebted to Jenny Sadre-Orafai, Associate Professor in the Department of English at Kennesaw State University, for her time today in our “virtual visit” with a creative writing expert! We appreciate how she took time to really think about the questions sent to her from the students, and how thoughtfully she shared her expertise with us. I, Ms. Hamilton, learned so much today as a writer and teacher, and I know my middle school writers did, too! I am so pleased my SOAR Creative Writers had this opportunity to learn about writer’s craft, poetry writing, and literary journals.
Dr. Sadre-Orafi took great care and time to answer each of the student questions:
• What is your favorite writing genre?
• Did you want to be a writer when you were younger?
• What’s your writing process like?
• How much do you write in a day?
• What do you find most difficult about writing?
• How do you deal with writer’s block, especially when writing poems?
• What do you think it takes to be a professional writer (career)?
• What inspired you to write?
• Who are your favorite writers and why?
• Do you have favorite writing topics? If so, what are they?
• How did you figure out your passion?
• How do you get ideas for writing?
• Where is your favorite place to write?
• What are literary journals?
• Does creative writing get easier as an adult?
• What made you choose to write creative nonfiction instead of fiction?
• What advice do you have for aspiring poets?
• What advice do you have for someone who is interested in writing for a career and choosing a college and major?
• How often do you write?
• Where do you grow up and did your childhood influence your writing in any way?
• Do your life experiences influence what you choose to write about?
• Did you choose your career or did it choose you?
• Do you ever feel “powerful” because you are in control of a piece of writing like a poem?
• What is creative nonfiction?
Some of the insights and “take aways” we gained from our virtual visit include:
- To be a writer, you must be curious. Soak in everything around you. Think of yourself as a being with antennae and pay attention to everything around you. Notice and observe!
- If you want to be a poet, read as much poetry as you can; Dr. Sadre-Orafi specifically recommended we read contemporary poetry (yay!).
- Very few people become “professional” writers, but majoring in English or a similar field can allow you to use your writing talents and find pathways into related career fields.
- Literary journals are a great pathway to publication, especially for poetry.
- A professor once told her that there is no such thing as writer’s block. If you find yourself getting stuck for ideas, physically remove yourself out of your comfort zone if possible. For example, walk down a different street or hallways. A change of scenery or placing yourself in the unfamiliar can help you notice things around with you fresh eyes.
Thank you to Dr. Tony Grooms of the Creative Writing program at KSU for connecting us with Dr. Sadre-Orafai, and thank you to our tech expert Greg Odell for helping us connect through Zoom! We will be connecting with three more faculty from Kennesaw State this month and in early March; we look forward to learning through these upcoming virtual visits.
My Writer’s Workshop and Writing Connections students are in the process of creating their own zines on topics they have chosen; students selected topic that they are experts on and want to share their passion for through their own hand-crafted zine. Zines are ” self-published work of original or appropriated texts and images” and can be created in many different formats. We are crafting zines as our entry point into informational writing and will share our publications with our fellow students through the CA Media Center.
Like many teachers, I’ve been a big fan of Georgia Heard and her work for years. Earlier this fall, I purchased her new book, Heart Maps: Create and Craft Authentic Writing; I also joined the Facebook group for the book where other educators are posting their students’ heart maps. It was in this Facebook group that I found an inspirational mentor text for our my students from a mother who was using the tool with her son:
Chestatee Academy
2740 Fran Mar Dr.
Gainesville, GA 30506
Phone: 770-297-6270
Fax: 770-297-6275
School Hours
Monday – Friday
8:25AM – 3:48PM